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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Deus ex Machina...(Don't worry, life's just a fucked up parking job; it's not perfect but it'll do while we're here)

Never before have i envied machines
And why should I, its like God envying just doesn't happen.
But the question is, why would you ever
create something in your own image
without making some change that you
think makes it a little more effective? A touch-up here... little photoshopping there, it can't hurt after all. While i lack the authority or physical maturity or frankly the patience for the patriarchy to comment on the actions of God, I at least have the right to say that i think that machines are the perfect counterparts of mankind, for there are no emotions to link them to such an imperfect institution. For all of my disgust at the imperfections of social systems that get obstructed by the darker side of human nature, the fact remains that my feelings for people sometimes supercede my convictions. However, these cumbersome feelings would not exist if i were a machine, like a camera, for instance. I could simply record what was happening and see a situation for what it is, regardless of who is acting. My only desire would be to observe completely objectively. In my current human form, such a thing is impossible, for i have several ridiculous desires which in no way make me more capable of fulfilling my purpose, yet make me take in a picture as skewed as my understanding of the nature of sanity, which is another story in itself.

as for now, an organized collection of ambiguous thoughts:

To escape the temptations beckoning me
is as easy as sticking my nose in the


But Isaac says its gotta come down
And when it does, and every smell makes its rounds,
I find i must indulge as long as my toes find the ground
But I'm only here for thirty years, I'll announce it and collapse
Then be right back for a three day


Turns out humanity's a lot more
complicated than divinity;
even infinitely, perhaps ;)

just a (somewhat ambitious) observation from your friendly neighborhood stargazer...


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