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Monday, June 6, 2011

An Infinite Loop.

I am
not liberated.
A hedonistic turn must suffice.
I can't count the times I've given in to society's demands!
Its been demonstrated
that any stance you take is playing into someone else's hands.
And it is those hands that, for binding agreements, we shake.
Take the opposite of whats popular
and you're either a hardass
or just disagreeing for disagreement's sake

I am
not depraved.
Self-deprivation is neither my style,
nor does it pay.
Its influence might, but most people who preach it avoid it like the plague.
They avoid it like the hypocrisy we fail to glean from influence.

Success seeks custody of the love child you made in Hawaii

My mind.
An aggregation.
What I learned before I was five
sits there right beside my college education,
together teaching me more than either could seperately
about the construct of contradiction-in-juxtaposition;
teaching me paradox's definition.
I'll veer away from my digression to hearken back to morbidity:
I like to think of this lifes successes as correcting a former life's tragedies
It should be established
that I commit atrocities everyday, or so says my pre-pubescent consicience,

Cue the lights.
In walk contradictions adjacent.

I am
An infinite loop
To break is to liberate
To restart?
A hedonistic turn must suffice
as the only entryway
But, like all the most rewarding things, hedonism has its price.
Still, every cycle must restart.

I am not liberated.

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