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Thursday, September 15, 2011


We've spent these days apart.
And I've spent these years in your head
only to spend a two month's slithering journey working my way to your heart
If I could tell you everything I wanted you to know
I'd do so
And I can control what I say, I just can't control what you hear
So I lean over and gently caress your ear
As if priming it.
This timing, its never quite right
So I climb into the clock
And force the hands to drop
into a spinning motion
moderating the movements with an equation by controlling the quotient
And we are in limbo.
I guess you have time to Listen:
I was brought into this world a whole, but between its teeth, i was chipping
And it wasn't for several years that I would notice a piece that was missing
Something I was raised to ignore.
So i carried a grudge.
since i was expected to carry on without love
in any forseeable future
I tried to cease being a defeatist and defeat it;
the results were putrid
and I was content to ride out my career
like a rider strapped to the reigns of a horse approaching a cliff
but, with wisdom lost on humans
my steed doubled back, and circled for a brief minute, and I found it:
a puzzle, a rubixian labyrinth-like masterpiece.
But, to handle something so free, it takes the hands of a god: An interjecting aphrodite.
I had originally encountered this puzzle long ago
when many sins and impatience caused me to grow frustrated and toss it into the rapids where it eventually found itself jammed in a murky stronghold
Knowing this, I expected it to be quite dirty, but found the opposite:
you see, the shame of four dozen acts
rolls off the pure of heart like rain off our backs
And they can go through hell and come back
and still show us the beauty in ourselves,
imagine that?

Your true beauty is in your complexity, the aforementioned rubixian perfection astounds me.
We'll grow like an oak and figure out a way to take the nutrients from weeds ; our negativity ; to grow even stronger, and build up to be the buttress we both need.

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