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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Feeding Spoon

Since the beginning
Nature has juxtaposed weakness and strength
man accentuates the differences

underground rivers became wells
well-wishing made lakes
and coaxed the beaten paths
into the sidewalks they became

Man began walking down these sidewalks
between which ants became safe

finding shelter in the crevices
and man tries to preclude
his steps with giant, rubbery, grooved
optimum comfort-suited shoes

and the ants, with their benevolence
stare up at the mountain-sized grooves
from the canyon-sized crevices
and benevolently just move on through

we carry this culture of destruction
this desire to alter
the ever-impending need to improve;
re-craft nature in our image
when it was she who originally sprang us from her womb

we are the rebellious children of a dying world
worshiping our own creations
while consuming its food
thrusting forth a sword of chaos
pretending it's a feeding spoon

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